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Accident waiting to happen on steep hill - no grit bin on adopted road - risk to pedestrians and cars

Reported via desktop in the New Grit Bin request category anonymously at 19:25, Friday 3 January 2025

Sent to Northumberland County Council 3 days, 14 hours, 35 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 6928316.

Fenwick park hill has a steep gradient and has no council registered grit bins to be refilled. In snow it can be impossible to stop skidding onto the A697 or into someone’s house or even a pedestrian due to the gradient and this has been ongoing for some years. This was reported to you in the last few months but no action has been taken so far and snow is now due.

Please put in a grit bin for the hill to avoid accidents Many thanks

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  • Thank You for your report. Thank you for your enquiry regarding the provision of a grit bin.

    The council receives many requests to provide grit bins. To ensure bins are placed in the most suitable locations a scoring method has been devised so that any new bin provided will be beneficial to the immediate community.

    Your request has been scored using the council's criteria system and I am afraid it does not qualify for a grit bin.

    Your local county councillor or local town or parish council can purchase a grit bin to be placed in a location that does not meet the winter service criteria but is viewed by them as a requirement and does not obstruct the public footpath. If you consider the grit bin is still necessary, please contact your local Councillor or Town/Parish Council who may be able to purchase and replenish the bin.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 11:30, Tuesday 7 January 2025

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