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Mud on the road due to vehicles using the road as a diversion

Reported via desktop in the Mud on Road category anonymously at 10:14, Wed 18 December 2024

Sent to Northumberland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6875778.

There was an accident on the A1 yesterday at Hampeth and the Hazon road was used as a diversion. The road is not suited for heavy good vehicles. Hundreds of vehicles used the road yesterday and three Lorries jacknifed on the road.

Could NCC please clear the road and look into clearing the ditches as this road is hazardous when it gets icy. It is also prone to flooding.

The issue happened yesterday but the ditches have been a problem for some time.

There is also damage done to a neighbours wall.

There is conditions on the road that prevent heavy goods vehicles using the road. However, there has been a significant rise recently with plant vehicles using Hazon. This road is not suitable for heavy vehicles and plant and there needs to be signs at various locations reminding those people the road is unsuitable. The road is used by residents and for agricultural access.

Thank you

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  • Thank you for your report. We will review this report within 10 working days. If you do have photographs please upload them to the report. This will assist us in our response.

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 10:14, Wed 18 December 2024

  • The problem resolved itself with the floods. There is damage to road that will need fixing as vehicles damaged the surface.

    The community at Hazon are thankful that the ditches have been dug out. The person digging the ditches also repaired the side verges.

    Thank you

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 10:37, Wednesday 15 January 2025

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