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Trees blocking light and need cutting down to a safe hight to avoid damaging buildings or life should it fall.

Reported via mobile in the Nuisance or dangerous trees on private land category anonymously at 07:45, Fri 8 November 2024

Sent to Northumberland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6707910.

The trees are as l have said over grown causing concern should they fall. Has anyone been out to assess this situation. I reported it last September and have had no correspondence regarding this. Now would be an ideal time to make tis tree safe as the tree surgeons can see what they are dealing with . As l have said it just needs cutting to a safe hight before it may cause damage to the surrounding buildings or even cause harm to anything in its path should it fall. Kind regards Carol Walton

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  • Thank you for 'Reporting a Problem'. This information has been forwarded to the Tree & Woodland Officer. We are only able to inspect trees that are dead, damaged, diseased or causing a physical obstruction as a priority, The responsibility for trees on private land lies with the owners or occupier. We will investigate this issue and may contact the tree’s owner. For more information follow Highways/ Report-a-tree-issue.aspx

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 07:45, Fri 8 November 2024

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