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Speeding Vehicles

Reported via desktop in the Obstruction (Not Vegetation) category by Paul Taggart at 17:50, Monday 23 September 2024

Sent to Northumberland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6506259.

This stretch of road is supposed to be a 30 mph limit. Most vehicles are travelling in excess of 40+ mph day and night. Planning application ref: 19/01457/REM In 2021 there was a proposed Revocation of the A1068 Choppington Road which was a 40 mph limit. The councillor at the time was John Riddle. The recommendation that the existing 40 mph speed restriction on the A1068 Choppington Road north of Bedlington Town be revoked, thereby making the speed limit 30 mph adjacent to Fenwick Park housing development. This would be in keeping under section 81 of the road traffic Act. Yet again there has been a road traffic accident next to the car garage WMA ON CHOPPINGTON road where a vehicle crashed into an island on the road knocking down a lamppost. This is not acceptable as we have the general public walking up and down this stretch of road and also crossing it. There is insufficient road signs stating the speed limit. Yes we have street lights, but in this day and age people do not understand the concept of this. We require more street signs stating the speed limit. Updated road markings and even a digital speed warning sign. Northumberland County council has a duty of care to ensure that all road users and pedestrians can use this route safely. A speed reduction to 30 mph will also help reduce carbon emissions. THE REDUCTION IN VEHICLE speed on this section of road will drastically reduce the risk to life. You also have to consider young children who play on the Green area adjacent to this section of road at Fenwick Park

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  • Thank you for your report. We will review this report within 10 working days. If you do have photographs please upload them to the report. This will assist us in our response.

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 17:50, Monday 23 September 2024

  • Good Afternoon Mr Taggert,

    As previously stated, the speed survey done on this road shows that there is no issue and therefore the speed limit will not be enforced by Northumbria Police. As previously stated 30mph repeater signage is not permitted as the area is street lit and signifies a 30mph speed limit. Digital speed signs are not funded by the council and are funded by either your local County County Councillor through their Member Local Improvement Scheme Allowance or funded by the Parish Council, the digital signs are then the responsibility of the Parish Council to keep maintained. I cannot provide anymore information on this matter which is now closed.

    Regards, Conor

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 16:24, Thursday 10 October 2024

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