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The trees at the back of our neighbours gardens are dangerous

Reported via desktop in the Nuisance or dangerous trees on private land category by Carol May Walton at 10:24, Fri 20 September 2024

Sent to Northumberland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6493360.

The trees are so very tall they will cause damage to surrounding properties, or even more serious they will cause harm to people or children and anything in their path should they fall. Not only do they block sunlight they are extremely messy and are home to birds which cause such a mess. The tree to the right is covered in ivy and when high wind come it sways franticly , we are so worried it will fall over causing unspeakable damage to life and property . We are not wanting them totally felled but just cut down to a safe hight for all concerned as they are dangerously over grown. Please could you address this for us . One tree is in a private garden and the other is a council property, both directly behind our bungalow. The amount of people that have made comment on the dangers they could do to property and life should they fall. Needless to say this is a growing concern the longer they are left untreated. Yours sincerely Carol Walton

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  • Thank you for 'Reporting a Problem'. This information has been forwarded to the Tree & Woodland Officer. We are only able to inspect trees that are dead, damaged, diseased or causing a physical obstruction as a priority, The responsibility for trees on private land lies with the owners or occupier. We will investigate this issue and may contact the tree’s owner. For more information follow Highways/ Report-a-tree-issue.aspx

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 10:24, Fri 20 September 2024

  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Northumberland County Council at 10:44, Fri 20 September 2024

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 13:53, Fri 18 October 2024

  • This problem still is on going. Has anyone been out to assess this situation. It's a huge concern to us and our neighbours. Kind regards Carol Walton

    Posted anonymously at 13:58, Fri 18 October 2024

  • Lady advised the tree will be removed from the housing garden.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 14:31, Wed 20 November 2024

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