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Tree Problem

Reported via desktop in the Leaf fall, berries or sap category anonymously at 14:39, Monday 15 January 2024

Sent to Northumberland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5446116.

The tree on the corner of this junction area is far to high for this area, with pedestrians, vehicles, properties, and telephone/fiber cables are liable for branches to break at any time and cause issues especially when we get more high winds as this is a safety issue here to protect people and peoples property, and not about cutting 30% off this tree. it is not enough at all and this tree serves no purpose being in this area especially when many trees around the area and in Blyth and being taken down completely or to very little indeed and not even in a position as this tree. There are also nearby trees that are in this area that are causing the same problems including falling onto OAP cottages as the resident is very concerned that she may get a tree coming through her roof.

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  • Thank You for you report.
    Your report has been forwarded to the appropriate department. Please note, we are only able to inspect trees that are dead, damaged, diseased or causing a physical obstruction as a priority. All general tree maintenance work requests that are causing no risk of harm to people or property will be dealt with as resources allow.
    For more information follow Highways/ Report-a-tree-issue.aspx

    We are unable to provide a time frame for inspections and works relating to low priority requests. Please visit our web page for further information.

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 14:39, Monday 15 January 2024

  • We have reviewed this report. Your report is categorised as low priority, we can only investigate this as resources allow and due to current demands our resources are directed to works of a higher priority.

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 08:48, Sunday 11 August 2024

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