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Grass verges along Barras Ave need removing

Reported via desktop in the Grass Cutting category anonymously at 19:40, Wednesday 10 January 2024

Sent to Northumberland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5426438.

The grass verges along the whole of Barras Avenue should be removed and the footpath made wider as a result. Cars are parked both sides of the road for the whole length. In order to leave enough space for other vehicles to drive along the road, the cars have to park fully on the pavement. If you're walking along Barras Ave, you have to either walk in the middle of the road (which is dangerous) or along the grass verges, which at this time of year are water logged and muddy. It's obviously much worse for mobility scooters and people with pushchairs. Removing the grass verges would mean the council grass cutters wouldn't need to come down here anymore, which would save the council money in the long term. Some people have planted flowers outside their gardens. These can be left alone and only the grass removed and replaced with tarmac.

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  • Thank You for your report. We will review this report at our earliest opportunity.

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 19:40, Wednesday 10 January 2024

  • This report has now been closed. All necessary actions have been taken to resolve this issue. Thank you on behalf of Northumberland County Council.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 07:37, Sunday 22 September 2024

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